Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Keeping comments to yourself

Not that this is bothering me or anything, but why is it that some people just can't keep certain comments to themselves? I work with mostly women. And I am very close to them, but there is one male that I work with that has commented on my weight every week that I see him at work. It doesn't bother me and I laugh about it but today he proceeded to tell me that I am getting really big. After he made this comment and all I could do was say "yeah," I heard him say as I was walking away, that this is normal in my condition.


I know I've gained weight. I see it, I feel it and I am living it. I enjoy so much when people acknowledge that I am pregnant without having to tell them that I am. It makes me happy.

When I first told this individual I was pregnant, he didn't congratulate me but rather he "noticed that I have put on excess weight." I went home and laughed about it. How could you not?

Yes, I put on weight before I was pregnant and I have alot of work to do, but please be sensitive to pregnant women as the weight gain is hard to take but it has to happen.


Anonymous said...

what a putz! Tell him that "mmm hmm pregnant women gain some weight and men, they age and get 'man boobs'" .. hopefully that'll shut him up! Or... tell him Auntie Laura's coming to kick his butt :)

Anonymous said...

tell him to go to hell. screw being nice...people like that deserve a kick in the ass.
hahaha...then again...couldn't you hear dad say something like that to someone? he isn't the most delicate person we know eh? hhahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

I know sister I know! I have been there but remember that you are healthy, you are happy and it will always come off later. You will have nothing but time after baby boy payne is born and I will be there to support you.
This is exciting, your first time blogging. Maybe I should jump on the ban wagon also. It could also be an excellent way to vent. HUMMMM! I might just do it!

Anonymous said...

It's a good thing he didn't say that to me. Anyway!!
I'm sure you look great and I can't wait to see you with your nice belly !! :)

Sue Sykes said...

OMG! I think I can guess who said it too... :)
I agree with the "man boobs" comment - that should shut him up! You are glowing, E... don't let anyone tell you differently!!