Saturday, March 31, 2007

James is teething.....

He was up a few times lastnight crying and I see 2 of them coming out at the bottom. I am not certain but I think that they have already cut the skin. We'll know more in the next few days. But I will DEFINTELY post a pic when he does have could I not????

In the meantime we got him a bumbo and he doesn't seem to like it too much. I think it may be too tight for him. I hope this changes though.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Sue's new site....

Is now open to everyone....check it out!!

Just Cre8

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Sicknesses....'s been almost 2 weeks and the sicknesses are here. I developed influenza (the flu) and I wasn't perscribed anything for it. Apparently you have to seek medical attention within 48 hours for them to give you something that will speed it up by a day or so. Well, I got better for a few days last week and then my mother caught it. She's been coughing and sneezing and trying to fight this. Well Sunday mine came back and knocked me out again. I went to the doctor yesterday and she took X-rays and bloodwork to help determine what exactly I have and then she can give me something for this.

My main concern is James. I want him to be healthy his first 6 months of life and then we can deal with sicknesses after that with him. So passing him around between us and my parents has been quite a challenge, trying to take him to the least sickest place.

So I await my results and hope to have everyone healthy once again and be up and enjoying some spring weather.

Friday, March 16, 2007

4 months old today....

Well here is all 16lbs, 6 oz and 27" long. He's such a good baby. So easy to take care of and fun to play with. We love him so much!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007