Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Good night lastnight

We had a really good night with James last night. He slept for about 12 hours with only 3 feeds. He's starting to sleep more at night than the day which is so good for us now. He eats and after his feed he sleeps again. It's about an hour process but it's working. I hope this is his routine that he is starting to get into.

I am doing better. I am having more good days than bad now. Voula has been here to keep me company this week and that helps too. Thanks Voula!

I also have a great support team behind me. Friends, family and co-workers have been so great to talk to. Thanks so much everyone. I am one lucky person!


Everyday Moments said...

Elaine, I'm so glad you are feeling better. I was starting to worry about you but you sound like things are going well.

As I've said before it just gets better and better. He will start to interact with you more and more and that is what makes getting up at all hours so worth it.

Take care.

my4blessings said...

Your little baby is just lovely! I remember those first several weeks. It's hard work, isn't it? I'm glad you are getting a bit more sleep, that makes a huge difference!

Heather M. said...

That is great news, Elaine! I hope it continues to go well!