Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Couple of newsmakers.....

Not sure if anyone really cares, but to me these seemed to be important.

My favorite author of all time passed away. Sidney Sheldon, 89, was my all time favorite author. His books were always a page turner. Always kept me going. I hate to read, but his books were so good that I could finish one very quickly. I will definitely miss him.

Nazanin was freed today!! Woohoo!! I am so happy for her and her family. She is the Iranian girl that was prisoned for an act of self-defense. They were able to raise the money they needed and got her out. I am sure that her family is thrilled.


Anonymous said...

Hey Elaine! Wow, he's getting big! Funny how they grow so fast. Jonathan's gonna be 1 on the 27th. I still can't believe it. I'd still like to come visit you when you're free. Just let me know when the best time to come. I'm glad to know you're feeling better...please don't worry, it'll pass and very normal. If you need to talk, just call. Take care! He's starting to look like dad! lol!

Anonymous said...

i had read sidney died...i thought of you.
don't worry, they will probably release like 10 books he wrote before he died...just like they do when a musician dies (remember Tupac? He had about 3 CDs come out posthumously - after death.)